Navigate CMS v2.9.5 r1611 (2022/03) Regístrate Identifícate Tu cuenta Cerrar sesión

Actualización de Navigate CMS: 2.7

dic '17

El equipo de Navigate CMS acaba de lanzar una actualización que incluye las siguientes características/correcciones/mejoras destacadas:

  • cache automático para páginas (función beta, desactivado por defecto)
  • traducción al Noruego Bokmål; ¡muchísimas gracias a Allan Nordhøy!
  • añadidos muchos eventos para las extensiones
  • corregidos bugs y hechas algunas optimizaciones
  • las funciones de tienda siguen en desarrollo
  • actualizado TinyMCE y CodeMirror

Lista completa de cambios (en inglés):

* extensions: don't assume the existance of default options values
+ misc: added function "strip_tags_content"
+ core: added function to format prices depending on the selected currency
+ nv list: new conditional by block trigger type
* property coordinates: added workaround to properly get geocoding using gisgraphy in https
+ nvweb: added event "before_output" on module "nvweb"
+ nvweb conditional: added by="product" offer="true|false"
* products & comments: small improvements in the user interface
+ nvweb list comments: added support for "product" comments
+ comments: added button to ease replying to a comment (in navigate cms interface)
* nv list: rewritten the processing of nvlist_conditional (by count="0" or "empty") due problems in the "strip_content_tags" function
* elements, blocks, products: remove duplicated code related to theme samples (fragments)
* comments: fixed bug related to comments auto approval
+ coupon.class: added functions "redeemable" and "find"
+ nvweb forms: started developing a new webget to help building forms
+ property.class: added function to retrieve all regions from a certain country
* updated TinyMCE v4.7.3
+ nvweb liveedit: gather and display information about RAM, SQL queries and CPU time used to process the current page
+ database, debugger, languages: made changes to gather and display statistics in nvweb liveedit
+ nvweb: added event "theme" / "before_tweaks"
* feed_parser.class: move feed cache location to website private folder
+ nvweb product: added mode "brand" and fixed mode "stock"
+ events: added "feed" events "save" and "delete"
+ events: added "block" events "save" and "delete"
+ events: added "item" events "save" and "delete"
+ events: added "structure" events "save" and "delete"
+ events: added "product" events "save" and "delete"
+ events: added "comment" events "save" and "delete"
+ events: added "extension" events "save" and "delete"
+ events: added "website" events "insert", "save" and "delete"
+ added Norwegian Bokmål translation; thanks to Allan Nordhøy
* updated CodeMirror v5.32.0
+ websites: added automatic cache for pages (beta feature, disabled by default)

Puedes ver los cambios del código fuente en nuestro repositorio Bitbucket o en su copia en Github.

Para actualizar automáticamente tu instancia de Navigate CMS, inicia sesión como Administrador y entra en la función Configuración > Actualizar. También puedes descargarte la actualización desde SourceForge y aplicarla manualmente.
