Navigate CMS v2.9.5 r1611 (2022/03) Regístrate Identifícate Tu cuenta Cerrar sesión

Actualización de Navigate CMS: 1.8.6 r640

abr '15

El equipo de Navigate CMS acaba de lanzar una actualización que incluye las siguientes características/ correcciones/mejoras:

+ theme definition: define basic conditional properties to auto show/hide other properties --> "conditional": [ { "source_property_id" : [value1,"value2"] } ]
* navigate_send_email: avoid sending someone the same email two times
+ comments: added links in the notification email to publish/remove a comment with a single click
* core_truncate_html: try to do not truncate words
* nvweb: was ignoring redirect configuration when accessing a private url
* files: prevent bug when duplicating files in media browser
* DB class: include query in error response
* blocks: actions for type "content" were disabled since last update
* plugin.php: load & bind extension events as the end of nv_plugin_init
+ nvweb: new object call "nvajax", returns a custom URL for theme AJAX requests (nv_themename_nvajax)
* extensions: better control on enabled/favorited extensions
* navitable: define delete url, more flexibility on grid notes code
* navibars: in runnable extensions, the first view was forced to be a list
* select2: minor style change
+ naviforms: selectfield function now lets the user add new options (allow_custom_value=true)
* extensions: allow runnable extensions to be defined by "run: 1" or "run: true"
* file: less strict remove thumbnails function (thumbnails with extension were not always removed)
* structure: ignore path reformatter for complete http/https urls
+ nvlist: added two new conditionals by position: "not_first", "not_last"
+ block groups: add special block from block group definition in theme
+ stripos_array: takes an array of values to match against a string
* nvweb templates: improved algorithm to find the real closing tag of a list/search/conditional
+ lists: allow nested lists
+ lists: define special block group blocks with the new conditional by="block" type="block_type"
+ item.class: new function "property_definition" to get info about a property
+ nvweb_content: new parameter on "nvweb_content_items" to retrieve not embedded items
+ lists: conditional by property now accepts basic comparisons: property_compare="gte" property_value="today"
+ block.class: new function to get property_definition($property_name)
+ comments webget: new event "reply_extra_fields"
* blocks webget: additional code when checking block image width/height
+ properties: "source_code" properties can now be multilanguage fields
* properties: boolean checkboxes with default value true were not able to save the false state
+ lists: allow nested nvlist_conditional
+ lists: new blocks value="blocks" (generate a full block as in <nv object="nvweb" name="blocks" />)
* properties / option & moption: texts were not being translated
+ properties webget: return="value" to get selected option/moption raw values
+ list / comments: when requesting avatar set "default"="none" to not include an img tag when no avatar is found
+ block group blocks: edit custom properties in navigate and use it in nv list templates
* core: load first menu item if the dashboard is not enabled
* items: if item's title is empty for the default language, try to load it in another language
+ nvweb conditional: by="access" [everyone, signed_in, not_signed_in, webuser_groups]
* profiles: typo on sql INSERT
* files: fixed Chrome uploads and moving files bugs
* updated jQuery FileDrop plugin (better Chrome support, upload files one by one, etc.)
* updated CodeMirror 5.2
* updated jQuery TableDND plugin
* structure: jump-to-other-branch feature now displays structure tree in the selected tab language
+ new property: categories (multiple structure categories selection)
* updated jQuery Timepicker Addon v1.5.3
* block groups: quick menu to edit block groups when there is a lower number of items

Puedes ver los cambios del código fuente en nuestro repositorio Bitbucket.

Para actualizar automáticamente tu instancia de Navigate CMS, inicia sesión como Administrador y entra en la función Configuración > Actualizar. También puedes descargarte la actualización desde SourceForge y aplicarla manualmente.
