Navigate CMS v2.9.5 r1611 (2022/03) Regístrate Identifícate Tu cuenta Cerrar sesión

Actualización de Navigate CMS: 2.1.3

nov '16

El equipo de Navigate CMS acaba de lanzar una actualización que incluye las siguientes características/correcciones/mejoras destacadas:

  • Usuarios web: el tema puede definir propiedades específicas
  • La extensión gratuita Twitter block ha sido incluida en el paquete de instalación
  • Las consultas SQL se han adaptado a MySQL 5.7.10+
  • Varios errores han sido corregidos en algunas funciones
  • Se han añadido más atributos de control en varios widgets nvweb

Lista completa de cambios (en inglés):

* properties: manually set a default path for the leaflet images folder
+ structure: added link to jump to item's parent in the "extra" button
+ archive: allow using a property as a value for the "categories" attribute
* nvweb webuser: corrected some bugs in mode "sign_in" and added support for the attribute "form"
* nvweb liveedit: display signed in web user in information bar (note: to display the right value the sign in process must be done before adding the live edit bar in the template)
* modified some SQL queries to make Navigate CMS compatible with MySQL 5.7.10+
* nvweb contact: trim all parsed field names and allow sending from urls without a subdomain
+ nvweb list/search: "items" attribute now allows giving a property name
* nvweb properties: video thumbnails are now always downloaded; that allows them to be scaled and cropped like any other uploaded image
* blocks: disabled blocks should not display when rendering block groups
+ nvweb list: added "like" and "not_like" as new comparators for the filter attribute (they accept an array of values to compare)
* nvweb search: reformat the query to be compatible with the new MySQL 5.7 requirements
+ properties: new property type "elements", select multiple content elements related to the current object
+ nvweb list: "filter" attribute now allows using "property.property_id" in values
+ nvweb breadcrumbs: added event "hierarchy"
* small fixes (try to keep font awesome icons in tinymce editor, login page had the application revision number and nvweb_objects did not process special object types like "transparent")
+ webusers: added custom properties by theme definition ( "webusers": {"properties": [ {}, {} ] } )
+ blocks: added "Fragments" and "Translate" buttons to triggers of type "content"
* nvweb conditional: by "comments" allowed="false" was not implemented
+ misc: added "generate_password" function created by tylerhall
+ nvweb properties: new mode="webuser" to get a webuser's property
+ nvweb webuser: new modes "forgot_password", "gender" and "newsletter"
* dynamic nv:// paths were not correctly replaced in some cases
* file.class: register_upload now accepts a full path for a file (note: the file will be MOVED to the private files folder of the website)
* nvweb list: "nvweb_list_parse_filters" function now allows passing the filters as an array or as a JSON string

Puedes ver los cambios del código fuente en nuestro repositorio Bitbucket o en su copia en Github.

Para actualizar automáticamente tu instancia de Navigate CMS, inicia sesión como Administrador y entra en la función Configuración > Actualizar. También puedes descargarte la actualización desde SourceForge y aplicarla manualmente.
