Navigate CMS v2.9.5 r1611 (2022/03) Regístrate Identifícate Tu cuenta Cerrar sesión

Actualización de Navigate CMS: 2.2

dic '16

Hoy estamos celebrando el 4º aniversario de nuestra querida aplicación Navigate CMS. Llenos de alegría, nuestro equipo va a lanzar una actualización que incluye las siguientes mejoras/correcciones destacadas:

  • los comentarios ahora tienen propiedades (basadas en la plantilla de la página donde se han enviado)
  • los comentarios ahora pueden presentarse en jerarquía
  • actualizado TinyMCE a la v4.5.1
  • nvlist: añadido un condicional para mostrar un mensaje cuando la lista está vacía
  • actualizado Font Awesome a la v4.7 y se ha añadido un plugin para insertar iconos en TinyMCE
  • nvlist: ahora se permiten múltiples niveles anidados de <nvlist_conditional>
  • correcciones a pequeños problemas en varios sitios

Lista completa de cambios (en inglés):

+ nvweb webuser: new mode "avatar" (same attributes as nvlist source=comment value=avatar)
* properties: alternative thumbnail retrieval for Youtube videos when maxresdefault.jpg is not available
* dashboard: fixed recent changes panel
+ properties: on rich_textarea fields add translate/copy from/fragments control buttons
+ items,blocks: added "clear content" button for rich_textarea fields
* tinymce: avoid inserting <p> for non block elements by default (span, i, etc.) but keep creating new paragraphs on enter
* codemirror-tinymce plugin updated to latest available commit #1d31634
* structure: keep last template used when creating a new child category
+ nvlist_conditional: added "in" and "nin" (not in) as property comparison operators (expect comma separated values, no spaces)
+ nvlist_conditional: allow displaying html code or a text message when a list has zero results
+ nvweb conditional: added "property_compare" option (same as nvlist_conditional by="property")
+ added partial Polish translation thanks to @stpk007 (work in progress)
* tinymce: fix dynamic link dialog z-index position (sometimes was left under the blocking layer)
* media browser: delete dialog was not closed the second time it appeared
* properties / coordinates: pasting a Google Maps URL in the first field (latitude) parses it to extract the coordinates
* nvweb list: fixed keeping existing url parameters of type array
* setup: added additional checks to make the installation process more robust
+ nvweb comments: added option "notify"="inline|callback" to be consistent with other nvweb widgets
* items: changed quicksearch form method to GET
* tinymce: added Polish language placeholders in some plugins (by now, texts English only)
* updated Font-Awesome to v4.7
+ added TinyMCE Font Awesome plugin v2.0.8+ by @josh18 (from Github), and applied some modifications to improve the integration with Navigate CMS
+ comments: allow assigning a parent message ("in reply to"); webget support is pending
+ templates/comments: define properties for the comments posted on a certain template type
+ list: new values for source="comment" [id, reply_to, property]
+ nvweb comments: added "data-depth" attribute on every comment shown
+ nvweb list: new value for source="comment" [depth]
+ nvweb comments & list source="comment": added two new ordering modes "hierarchy_oldest", "hierarchy_newest" to return comments keeping hierarchy
* changed Navigate CMS translation format to XLIFF 1.2 (we were using the unsupported XLIFF 2.0 format)
* translations and source code strings: replaced many ... by the ellipsis character …
* nvweb list: allow multiple nested <nvlist_conditional> tags
+ nvweb comments: added a mechanism to read and parse custom comment properties from a template form
* navigate: added approved="yes" to XLIFF translations
* webuser votes: two small corrections
+ nvweb comments: added internal attribute "element" to assign a comment to a concrete item (instead of the one is being displayed)
* nvlist_conditional: check by property_empty was not considering multilanguage properties
* updated tinyMCE v4.5.1
* permissions: use standard html tables to improve performance
+ permissions: added "color" field type to be used as a permission value
* nvweb properties: added attributes return="title|name|url" and position="x" for properties of type "categories"
+ permissions: added new scope "settings" (alpha feature)
+ nvweb contact: added attribute receipt_confirmation_email="webuser|(custom_email_address)"
* nvweb contact: define the colors used in the auto composed contact email (via profile/user permissions)
* nvweb comments: define the colors used in the auto composed comments notification email (via profile/user permissions)

Puedes ver los cambios del código fuente en nuestro repositorio Bitbucket o en su copia en Github.

Para actualizar automáticamente tu instancia de Navigate CMS, inicia sesión como Administrador y entra en la función Configuración > Actualizar. También puedes descargarte la actualización desde SourceForge y aplicarla manualmente.
