Navigate CMS v2.9.5 r1611 (2022/03) Regístrate Identifícate Tu cuenta Cerrar sesión

Actualización de Navigate CMS: 1.9.1 r721

ene '16

El equipo de Navigate CMS acaba de lanzar una actualización que incluye las siguientes características/ correcciones/mejoras:

* media browser: fixed contextmenu
* misc.php: fixed hex2rgb function
* nvweb: improved subdomain/tld detection
* nvweb: fixed IP detection due new subdomain checking
* nvweb search: origin may be empty if a request has not a HTTP_REFERRER
* nvweb: pre parse <code> and <pre> tags, to ignore any <nv> or {{nv}} example code in content
+ tinymce: added translations for the pre plugin (ca, de)
+ blocks: new action type "javascript"
* nvtags: allowed using score character "-" in tag attribute names
+ nv comments: added "inline" option as callback and added "error_callback" attribute
+ nv conditional: added by="comments", with options "allowed", "min" and "max"
* nvweb dictionary: allowed passing a property as id when asking for a dictionary translation (only for type="structure")
+ nv properties: "return"="url" option for properties of type file
* nvweb_routes/nvweb_self_url: remove last '/' in url
* websites: disable "replace URLs" action when creating a new website
* nvweb content: mode "tags" / use search page url
* nvweb: check if ob_start function is enabled, if not just send the html uncompressed
* nvweb list: item value="author" was not correctly retrieved
+ properties: allow extensions to define their own object types (classes) with properties
+ nvweb: allow extensions to manage their own paths (f.e. "newsletters")
* login: block navigate access to blocked users
* tinymce.pre plugin: catch "empty innerHTML property" error
* navigate_tinymce_add_content: better image dimensions detection
* item.class: default values for null class properties (on insert)
+ new library included: IXR - The Incutio XML-RPC Library
* structure: quicksearch function repaired
+ xmlrpc: added xmlrpc endpoint with MetaWeblog API implemented
* file upload: check the existence of the parent folder given, if invalid just leave the files in the root folder
* file.class: force scale_up when creating a thumbnail (for the moment, implemented but not used)
* media browser: upload area wrong when there was scroll
* item.class: added default values when inserting for the first time
* extensions: hide language selector in extension settings if there isn't any multilanguage property
* website: hide language selector in theme options if there isn't any multilanguage property
* updated jQuery to v1.11.3
* nvweb list: retrieve element's "title" in a certaing "lang"
* webuser votes: allow replacing a webuser's previous vote
+ properties: added dialog to copy text from other item's section or property
* items: added button wrapper to "copy from" other language's labels/tags
* updated free-jqGrid to v4.11.0
* Navigate CMS translations now using XLIFF 2.0 format
- removed unused class.upload.php.html file to reduce disk usage
- removed default Ocean theme from repository
* xmlrpc: small modification to improve compability
* make-distribution: removed all Ocean demo content and included as auto-installable theme
* item, structure, block, path, file, webdictionary... made website agnostic when inserting new objects
* websites: theme options now can "copy from" other element's property value
* theme.class: improved "import website sample"
* properties.js: verify type of tinyMCE global variable
* setup: Ocean theme installation is now optional
* setup: added checkboxes styling
* naviforms: minor fix to improve the check for the cached & gzipped tinymce
* core / navigate_send_email function: new parameter $quiet, to avoid printing SMTP error messages
+ object classes (block, item, file, etc.): added __set_state method
+ websites: added option to remove all website content (structure, blocks, elements...)
+ themes: export sample data with var_export and changed "import sample" function to support the new format

Puedes ver los cambios del código fuente en nuestro repositorio Bitbucket.

Para actualizar automáticamente tu instancia de Navigate CMS, inicia sesión como Administrador y entra en la función Configuración > Actualizar. También puedes descargarte la actualización desde SourceForge y aplicarla manualmente.
