Navigate CMS v2.9.5 r1611 (2022/03) Regístrate Identifícate Tu cuenta Cerrar sesión

Actualización de Navigate CMS: 1.9.3 r764

feb '16

El equipo de Navigate CMS acaba de lanzar una actualización que incluye las siguientes características/ correcciones/mejoras:

+ navigate.js: navigate_string_cut (javascript function using phpjs strip_tags)
* layout: changed title in navigate, website name goes first
* webusers & users: remove the password added by the browser with javascript
* properties: fixed "textarea copy from" function when used in iframes
* websites: replace URLs now also processes blocks
* layout: hide menu until page load, then fade in to avoid ugly loading effect
+ added jQuery Unveil plugin by Luis Almeida
* files: load thumbnails after page load
* properties: allow chosing empty in property fields of type "item"
* websites: homepage from structure was unset
* websites: languages tab stopped working since last Select2 upgrade
* properties: default value was not correctly assigned in some cases
+ webuser: newsletter subscription process now sends a confirmation message to verify webuser's e-mail
* login: fixed input width
* nvweb tags: try to use the category path using the search template of a theme instead of the default route /nvtags
* nvweb conditional: fixed wrong condition
* comments: renamed event module "comments" to "comment"
+ items: new event "save"
* updated qTip to v2.2.1
* updated jQuery Timepicker to v1.6.1
* naviforms / timedatepicker: display a help tooltip when changing year or month
+ nvweb / list: return a "slug" string for items and categories in nv lists
+ navigate_live_edit: add dropdown menu on "create" option
+ blocks: selection & exclusion of "category free" elements to choose where to display a block
+ files: added live filter by file type
+ property "image": now supports "options" (shows an image selector with options or, as always, a custom image)
* structure: categories list did not show title if it was not available in the default language
* grid_notes: added internal function to unify JSON callbacks for notes/colors
+ nvlist_conditional: included "gallery" and "tags" conditions (already existing in nvweb / conditional)
* free-jqGrid: added missing translations for Catalan & Spanish (search form, etc.)
* permissions: allow setting different permissions per website
+ permissions: added basic item & files permissions
* permissions: former permission "websites.allowed" is now part of the user object
+ permissions: permission can now be translated
* media browser: folders now are sorted with the same criteria as files
+ items / fragments: added a set of grid formats to be included in tinymce editor (Foundation or Bootstrap);
just add in your theme definition a sample content with file code "foundation_grid" or "bootstrap_grid"
* profiles: set permissions for each website
+ permissions: themes & extensions / allow install, delete, execute...
+ permissions: structure / define which categories the user can or cannot select when creating/editing elements

Puedes ver los cambios del código fuente en nuestro repositorio Bitbucket.

Para actualizar automáticamente tu instancia de Navigate CMS, inicia sesión como Administrador y entra en la función Configuración > Actualizar. También puedes descargarte la actualización desde SourceForge y aplicarla manualmente.
