Navigate CMS v2.9.5 r1611 (2022/03) Regístrate Identifícate Tu cuenta Cerrar sesión

Actualización de Navigate CMS: 2.1.2 r1013

oct '16

El equipo de Navigate CMS acaba de lanzar una actualización que incluye las siguientes características/correcciones/mejoras destacadas:

  • Nuevo tipo de propiedad: decimal
  • Nueva configuración de usuario: separador de miles
  • Las propiedades tipo "coordinates" ahora usan los mapas libres de OpenStreetMaps en vez de Google Maps
  • Mejoras substanciales en la función de exportación/importación de contenido de demostración de los temas
  • Muchos bugs han sido solucionados en varias funciones
  • La instalación de Navigate CMS ahora es más robusta

Lista completa de cambios (en inglés):

+ websites: allow choosing the word separator for auto generated paths, underscore or hyphen
* websites: tinymce CSS field on website has been deprecated (will be removed in a future version)
+ dashboard: added website notes panel
* replaced kvaTree by jsTree v3.3.1
* navigate: prevent caching old css & js versions of the files after upgrading
+ block groups: new interface for block group management
* navigate context menus: force triggering the action when clicking the option out of the link area
* nvweb: dynamic urls (nv://) were not correctly processed in some cases
+ nvweb properties: when requesting the url of a file property, you can now use "url-inline" or "url-attachment" if you want the file to be embedded or downloaded
* blocks: in block actions, display icon and title of the current dynamic path, if selected
* navigate: added css icon in "data saved" notifications
* block.class: added default values when inserting new objects
+ nvweb languages: option to add a classname to each language option
+ nvweb list: new source option "block_link" to process each link of a block using the trigger type "links"
+ user.class: added "settings" function to load and save user settings of any navigate cms function (and website)
+ dashboard: reorder, collapse and hide/restore all panels (status will be saved based on each user and website)
+ nvweb: added more auto oEmbed endpoints: instagram, flickr, dailymotion, scribd and soundcloud
* block group: save selection in JSON format (before we were using a serialized array)
+ block group: allow adding a title on a block type zone
* blocks: fix bug related to category selection and exclusion
+ dashboard: added new panel: Navigate CMS newsfeed
+ nvlist: (beta) define filters for properties or element's values; example: filter="[{'property.entry_type': 'image'}, {'id': { 'lte': 10 }}, {'date_to_display': {'lte': '$filter_date'}}, {'property.entry_featured_object_inside': {'in': [0, 1]}}]"
note 1: prepend a dollar character if you want to use a value sent in the request, for example, if the URL is ?q=45 use '$q' to use that value in the filter query)
note 2: checking dictionary values is not implemented
* properties: added an alternative and free geocoding service to find coordinates (gisgraphy.com)
* properties: set the same default value for all enabled languages if only one default value is given
+ websites: option to redirect wrong paths to a real website page
* blocks: add missing properties functionality
* blocks: solved some bugs saving block group blocks data
* update: fix panels styles due dashboard changes
* navigate: fix small bugs in layout
+ structure: added template column in tree table
* nvweb list: allow passing all nvweb content/tags arguments in nvlist
* block groups: solved a small bug when a theme has more than one group block in the definition
* navigate: fix delete confirmation dialogs
+ nvweb conditional: added by "section" section="codename" empty="true|false"
+ nvweb properties: return a section of properties of type "element"
+ nvweb properties: return a property (using attribute modifiers) of properties of type "element"
* nvweb conditional: remove collision between internal "template" variable and nv tag user attribute
* nvweb conditional: added "scope" to force checking by "element" or "structure" when displaying a page from structure
* nvweb list: when filtering by a numeric value, don't put quotes around the value in the SQL query
* elements: append/insert fragment was not working on some files
* property.class: width attribute was ignored
* nvweb webuser: on "newsletter_subscribe", detect typical email addresses (info, contact...) and use the full email address as new username
* navigate: dynamic path selection was ignoring items associated to a category but not embedded
* files: updated Pixlr library
* elements: try to keep the existing img attributes when replacing image
* elements: implemented an alternative approach to solve the append fragment issue on some content
* structure: in the tree list, the template name was not always translated

Puedes ver los cambios del código fuente en nuestro repositorio Bitbucket o en su copia en Github.

Para actualizar automáticamente tu instancia de Navigate CMS, inicia sesión como Administrador y entra en la función Configuración > Actualizar. También puedes descargarte la actualización desde SourceForge y aplicarla manualmente.
