Navigate CMS v2.9.5 r1611 (2022/03) Regístrate Identifícate Tu cuenta Cerrar sesión

Actualización de Navigate CMS: 2.3.6

abr '17

El equipo de Navigate CMS acaba de lanzar una actualización que incluye las siguientes características/correcciones/mejoras destacadas: 

  • great improvement on rendering time of nvweb lists
  • new filters "has" and "hasnot" for nvweb lists
  • added debugging modifier to see what process takes more time when processing a page
  • some small bugs have been fixed
  • corrections in translations

Lista completa de cambios (en inglés):

+ nvweb metatags: added recommended language metatags <link rel="alternate" hreflang="" href="" />
+ items: added autocomplete and one-click redirect in quick search form
+ nvlist: added nvlist_conditional by="query" check="field|field_range", useful in custom search
* nvlist: nvweb_list_parse_conditional refactored if/else structure to switch/case
+ debugger: added timer control functions (timer, stop_timer, get_timers)
* debugger: small fixes and improvements
+ nvweb: add "?debug&profiling" to a website URL to display a list of processes and the time they take to generate each section of a webpage (alpha feature)
* nvweb / nvlist: improve page rendering performance (specially in lists with a lot of iterations)
* setup: NAVIGATE_PARENT must be protocol agnostic (url without http or https)
+ item.class: added function comments_count()
- remove unused $current['structure_elements'] variable
+ blocks: added "access" column to block links, so you can now hide a link without removing it from the list
* nvweb comments: added translations to the webget dictionary
* nvweb core: try to load navigate dictionary for the current selected website language (only if needed)
+ nvweb list: added filters "has" and "hasnot"
+ nvweb: added event "nvweb/find_route"
* fixed some strings in Polish translation (thanks Stanisław K.!)

Puedes ver los cambios del código fuente en nuestro repositorio Bitbucket o en su copia en Github.

Para actualizar automáticamente tu instancia de Navigate CMS, inicia sesión como Administrador y entra en la función Configuración > Actualizar. También puedes descargarte la actualización desde SourceForge y aplicarla manualmente.
