Navigate CMS v2.9.5 r1611 (2022/03) Regístrate Identifícate Tu cuenta Cerrar sesión

Actualización de Navigate CMS: 2.8.5

sep '18

El equipo de Navigate CMS acaba de lanzar una actualización que incluye las siguientes características/correcciones/mejoras destacadas:

  • importantes mejoras de seguridad
  • soporte de ficheros SVG
  • corregidos varios bugs y hechas algunas optimizaciones
  • las funciones de tienda siguen en desarrollo
  • actualizado TinyMCE

Lista completa de cambios (en inglés):

* database.class: clear executed statements after fetching its results
* core: email notifications were not using the specified colors since last update
* elements: editing an item without a theme properly installed was throwing an error in some cases
* core: core_terminate and (optionally) redirect to a certain URL
* websites: language settings table was not working as expected since last update
* updated TinyMCE 4.7.11 (and fixed bug in modern/theme.js)
* updated some files to achieve PHP 7.2 compatibility
* updated TinyMCE FontAwesome plugin 2.0.10 (nv version) [known bug: size and color must be changed using the CSS Style button in TinyMCE]
* products: define number of decimals per currency and use ISO 4217 codes
* websites: define the default currency
+ product.class: function to get the product "weight_in_grams"
+ core: new function "core_get_language"; returns the current active language code or the default one
* navibars.class: ignore empty add_actions
+ property.class: added static functions "country_name_by_code" and "country_region_name_by_code"
* naviforms.class: "select_from_object_array" now accepts an array of arrays or objects
* shipping_method.class: added more conditionals in function "calculate"
+ new function shop / "payment_methods" (in development)
+ nv dictionary: added new shopping related strings
+ files: added basic support for SVG files
+ payment_methods: set payment methods priority
* updated jQuery.inputmask 4.0
* naviforms: added workaround to decimalfield to be able to use prefixes/suffixes and negative values
* updated TinyMCE 4.8.0
+ product.class: added functions is_new(since_days), is_top(number), top_products(number)
+ nvweb conditional: restrict zone rendering with access="navigate_user" to user="x"
+ nvweb conditional: product is top (top_limit), product is new (since)
* nvweb liveedit: direct link to edit the current product
+ nvweb list: special order values for products: [ sales, price_asc, price_desc ]
+ nvweb list: added nvlist_conditional by "product" [offer, top, new]
* block.class: ignore inexisting extension blocks previously declared in a block group
* grid notes: escape user entered html entities
+ added PHP REF library created by digitalnature (MIT license)
* product.class: fixed "get_price" return values
* orders: fixed lines information, added taxes breakout, order timeline is now working
+ order.class: added function "create_from_cart" and added some properties
+ nv dictionary: added some e-commerce related strings
+ added new nvweb object: cart (in development)
+ nvlist: added support for "cart" object (in development)
* improved output generation in "nvweb_after_body" function
+ layout: navitable (jqGrid) now displays the number of selected rows
* order.class: find by reference, auto generate order references (will be configurable in the future)
* properties: renamed vars and refactored some code
+ core: added "mb_escape" function by Trevor Herselman, used in DB->protect
* nvweb request: encode output unless raw attribute is set
* blocks: removed old code regarding nv links (now using pathfield dialog)
* dashboard: encode web search strings and comments
- files: removed unused code related to "picnik" upload
* shop: payment methods as extensions (in development)
* updated TinyMCE 4.8.3
* security fix: almost all queries are now using parameterization instead of string filtering
* dashboard: after creating a website note, usernames did not show
* properties: resolved problem related to custom template properties
* nvweb: protect input parameter 'lang'

Puedes ver los cambios del código fuente en nuestro repositorio Bitbucket o en su copia en Github.

Para actualizar automáticamente tu instancia de Navigate CMS, inicia sesión como Administrador y entra en la función Configuración > Actualizar. También puedes descargarte la actualización desde SourceForge y aplicarla manualmente.
