Navigate CMS v2.9.5 r1611 (2022/03) Sign up Sign in Your account Sign out

Navigate CMS Update: 1.8.1 r635

Jul '14

The Navigate CMS team has just released a software update which includes the following features/bugfixes/improvements:

* minor bugfixes on webuser class and plugin running package
+ webget gallery: accept passing object "item" as parameter
+ webget properties: return="title|path|id" for properties of the type "item"
+ new nvlist_conditional: by template
+ nv object="search" now parses "nvlist_conditional" special nv tag
* update package was ignoring updates on "plugins" folder
+ file::register_upload now can treat uploads reading the $_FILES variable
* nv list: assign default /node/ID to items without a path
+ images: define focal point (used in themes when cropping)
+ new webget "webuser" with newsletter subscription mode
+ blocks: adding option to display just the title (with or without link)
* some property types had problems when checking multilanguage default values
+ nvweb, new variable "website_description" and new "url" mode on "theme" object
+ theme: support for multiple content stylesheets for use in tinymce editor
* menu webget: function "nvweb_menu_get_children" now allows retrieving all root categories
* content webget: new mode "views" (returns the number of views of that content using the internal Navigate CMS counter)
* list webget: now you can search in all categories add the attribute/value categories="all"
* list webget: nvlist source=comment has two new available values: "item_url" and "item_title"
* retrieve the title for every item associated to comments when using nv list
+ new nvweb webget "conditional" (by=property|template)
+ oEmbed integration with Twitter (work-in-progress feature)
* jQuery UI 1.11.0
* jQuery 1.11.1
+ new nvweb constant: NVWEB_THEME
+ new event: contact / sent (subject, message, email recipients, form type)
+ webuser webget: notify="false" to not report successful/failed newsletter subscription
+ navitable component: custom callback when double clicking on a row
* media browser: replaced media type split button by a new jQuery UI select menu
+ media browser: sort results by name or uploaded time (ascending or descending)

You can view the source code changes in our Bitbucket repository.

To auto update your Navigate CMS instance, sign in as an Administrator and access the Configuration > Update function. You may also download the update package from SourceForge and apply it manually.
