Navigate CMS v2.9.5 r1611 (2022/03) Sign up Sign in Your account Sign out

Navigate CMS Update: 1.8.7 r641

Jun '15

The Navigate CMS team has just released a software update which includes the following features/bugfixes/improvements:

* items: action icons for comment moderation did not appear
* events: additional checks to prevent warning messages
* filedrop: prevent multiple bindings
* naviorderedtable.class: form fields were not writable since last update
* blocks: display "Groups" quick selector on more block subfunctions
+ mediabrowser: add new folder dialog (contextmenu on empty space in Folder view)
+ blocks: new block class "poll"
+ nvweb blocks: render simple interactive polls
* layout: force browser to load font-awesome in the backend to prevent FOUT (Flash of Unstyled Text)
* blocks: edit/settings icon was missing when adding blocks in a group
* blocks: added function to load translations
+ nvweb conditional: by "webuser" signed_in="true|false"
* nvweb: defer loading theme template after binding the extensions
+ nvweb: new event module "theme" action "template_load"
* nvweb_template_load: added parameter to force loading a certain template
+ webusers: record "last seen" date
+ comments: added field "last modified by"
* items.class: inserts & updates now via prepared statements
* block group selector: bigger font for the quick selector and follow link by double click
* class.upload: remove example files to avoid security problems
* nvlist: blocks in group were not filtered by categories selection/exclusion
* block.class: find block group block by property name (id must be unique!)
* nvlist: allow giving a property id to set the categories attribute
* block group: ignore removed blocks still assigned to a block group
* theme export/import: replace old website id with the new value
+ webuser events: "sign_in" (even with cookie auto signin) and "sign_out"
* nvlist: source "block" new option action "target" (returns "top" or "self")
* nvweb: load extension events before auto loading the webuser
- nvlist: item/date_post code removed, now returns the same as item/date
* users_log: if "gzencode" is not available, don't store the additional data
* file.class: .ppt and .pptx files now are recognized as "documents"
* elements: assign current datetime as "date to display" when creating elements
* nvweb tags: properly process empty tags
+ core: new function "core_ts2elapsed_time" (time elapsed in words)
+ dashboard: new block "latest modifications"
* media browser: when using "path" mode, the upload folder was not always properly assigned
* property.layout: avoid calling theme->t when no theme is installed

You can view the source code changes in our Bitbucket repository.

To auto update your Navigate CMS instance, sign in as an Administrator and access the Configuration > Update function. You may also download the update package from SourceForge and apply it manually.
