Navigate CMS v2.9.5 r1611 (2022/03) Sign up Sign in Your account Sign out

Navigate CMS Update: 1.8.9 r643

Sep '15

The Navigate CMS team has just released a software update which includes the following features/bugfixes/improvements:

+ nvlist conditional by position: now you can define a range (first position = 1)
+ nvweb list: categories attribute now accepts "parent"
* nvweb list: galleries were not retrieved in some cases
* item.class: new function "property_exists", returns boolean
* nvweb conditional: property existence was not properly checked
+ structure.class: added "property" and "property_definition" functions
* nvweb conditional: allow using "property_id" instead of "property_name"
* webuser.class: define default values when they are not given
- removed "Primo Icons" pack, replaced by FontAwesome alternatives
* blocks: in "links" mode, put an empty row at the beginning if no previous links are found
* nvweb_templates: solved bug on default language detection
* nvweb blocks: relative links used in "links" mode were not analyzed
* nvweb contact: e-mail subject now can be translated by theme dictionary
* nvweb conditional: booleans now can be compared with "false"/"true" values (before, only "0"/"1" values allowed)
* naviforms: dropbox field had style problems in some dispositions
+ js function to copy a value between dropbox fields "navigate_dropbox_clone_value"
+ blocks: added a button to copy trigger & action values from other language
* webdictionary: removed unused selectfield
* structure: show page views
* items: show page views; on list, rating has been hidden
- remove some old unused icons and events
* media browser: refresh "file used" tick when removing an object from a dropbox field
* theme.class: protect against malformed strings before translate using the dictionary
+ nvweb properties: "video" value "thumbnail" now allows adding a class attribute
* core_file_curl: try to ignore SSL verification and make a temp cookie jar
* web users: show email address as title of the username (move the cursor over the username in the web users list)
* nvweb: force loading the language set by the requested url
* nvweb.php: corrected NVWEB_THEME global variable
+ nvweb list & search: define the paginator text for previous and next buttons ("paginator_prev", "paginator_next")
* dictionary: added some translations
+ webusers: added "company" as new webuser type/gender option
+ structure: define website home as an structure element (auto language redirect)
+ website.class: new function "homepage" (returns the real homepage path)
+ website.class: new function "homepage_from_structure" (gets the homepage paths for all languages)
* checkbox restyling based on Geoffrey Crofte work at http://codepen.io/CreativeJuiz (thanks!)
+ nvweb properties: return value for "country" property type (return = name|code)
+ nvweb contact: automatically include file attachments
+ properties: allow setting "multilanguage": "false" for "textarea", "rich_textarea" and "link" types
* nvweb content / nvweb_content_items function: added "order" parameter
* fixed some checkbox controls styling
+ comments: trying email one click actions integration; you need to register with google before - https://developers.google.com/gmail/markup/registering-with-google
* media browser: files used check was crashing when there was default theme images assigned
+ websites: added field to allow or disallow file sharing between sites of the same Navigate CMS installation
* blocks: fix custom blocks properties and disallow trying to edit theme block types
* website.class: replaced SQL code to insert new website, now uses a prepared statement
* extension.class: new static method "include_php" to force loading the main PHP file for an extension
+ structure: option to collapse all branches (after being expanded)
* force tinyMCE to create anchors with both ID and NAME attributes
* naviforms: tweaked some tinyMCE configuration values (to support Font Awesome and other special tags)
* navitable: use FontAwesome in jQGrid and in category selector on Elements
* property.class: fix forced multilanguage properties (like images) and fixed executing properties of type "function"
* extensions: fixed running properties of type "function"
* navitable.class: display edit icon only if click_action is set to "jqform"

You can view the source code changes in our Bitbucket repository.

To auto update your Navigate CMS instance, sign in as an Administrator and access the Configuration > Update function. You may also download the update package from SourceForge and apply it manually.
