Navigate CMS v2.9.5 r1611 (2022/03) Sign up Sign in Your account Sign out
which is a stable version of Navigate CMS
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Ganesh Kandu
29 Sep 2015 07:21
Hi My Name is Ganesh Kandu
I want to Install Navigate CMS in my pc,
I want to know navigate-1.8.9r643.zip is release Candidate or Stable
Thax .
1 answers
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29 Sep 2015 09:13
Hi Ganesh,

all our public releases are Stable versions, so you are safe to use the 1.8.9 download.
Anyway, you have to know that the r643 release has a bug in the install process.
We've just uploaded a new release (644), with the same version (1.8.9) which fixes that problem.

Here's the official download link: http://sourceforge.net/projects/navigatecms/files/releases/navigate-1.8.9r644.zip/download

Don't hesitate to ask any other question.

Thank you.
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