Install configuration
The third step of the installation process is a form divided in two tabs. In the first you define the company name or application owner and set the first administrator account. In the second tab you must enter the database connection details. Let's begin with the first tab:
Owner & Administrator
- Application owner — who will use this Navigate CMS instance; enter a company name, your nickname or "Personal".
- Administrator — enter the details for the first administrator account. It is very important for you to remember this information as it will be the only account present after the installation.
- Username
- Password
- Automatically check for new updates — do you allow Navigate CMS to automatically check and report new available updates (without auto installation) or do you prefer checking that manually using the Updates function?
- Allow sending usage statistics — how you use Navigate CMS is important to us in terms on knowing what it must be improved. Keep this field checked if you don't mind sharing some information on your installation with our Navigate CMS team. We take privacy of your information seriously and we'll use the information you share only for the sake of improving our application. Uncheck this field if you want a completely private Navigate CMS installation.
The second tab of Configuration is where you must enter the Database connection details. Navigate CMS supports only MySQL databases; no wonder since MySQL is the world's most popular database. In future versions, new database drivers will be supported.
If you don't have a database previously created you have three ways to achieve it:
- Create a database by using the Navigate CMS installer (you need a user account with privileges)
- Try to create one yourself, click on the panel name your webhost uses to view a tutorial:
- CPanel
- Plesk
- MySQL console (no panel)
- Ask your hosting provider to create one for you and give you the connection details
Either way you'll end having the following configuration details:
- Driver — how Navigate CMS must connect to the database
- Hostname — usually localhost
- Port — usually 3306
- MySQL (unix socket)
- Socket path — usually /tmp/mysql.sock
- Username
- Password
- Database — name of the database; after entering username and password Navigate CMS will detect which databases are already created and ready; if you have CREATE DATABASE privileges you can enter a new database name and Navigate CMS will try to create it on the next step.
Important note: if you are installing Navigate CMS on a database previously used by the application you will LOSE ALL DATA. Other tables won't be affected. All Navigate CMS tables have a nv_ prefix.
After you completed all fields on both tabs of this step you are ready to proceed to the next one: Database import. Click on the button below the form to continue. If you don't see that button it means that one or several fields of the form are wrong, please check them one by one to find what is the problem.
Database import step
In this step Navigate CMS installer will connect to your database (or try to create a new one) and, if successful, try to create all needed tables and first time configuration. This process should last less than 20-30 seconds. If all is green you can proceed to the last step of the installation. If a field turns red, something happened, probably a misconfiguration on the previous step. Please use your browser's go back feature to reenter all details.