If you have a blog or your website uses a theme which supports comments, you'll already know how important is to control what visitors write about your content.
Comments function lets you approve, delete and modify any comment on your website. It has two views: List and Form.
When you access the Comments function you'll get the full list of comments sorted by the most recent first. You only need to locate the appropiate row and double click on it to edit.
You can also narrow the number of rows if you know some information about the comment you are looking for. Use the mini search filter on the actions bar.
List columns:
- ID — numerical identifier of the comment
- Item — title of the content where the comment belongs
- Creation date — when the comment was added
- User — who left the comment (webuser or e-mail if not signed in)
- Text — snippet of the comment contents
- Status — reports if the comment is published, is spam or it's hidden
As with other lists in Navigate CMS:
- Click on a row to select/unselect it
- Double click or do a long press on a row to load the edit form
- Ctrl + Double click on a row to load the edit form on a new tab/window
- Move the scrollbar to get more items
- Find rows using the top right mini search form
After you have located the comment to modify (or clicked on Create), the Form view will be loaded.
The Comments form is one tab only, so it is really easy to manipulate.
If the comment was written by a signed in User, the fields Name and E-Mail will be empty (Navigate CMS already know that information), and vice versa.
Three additional information fields are displayed:
- IP — IP address of the user who left the comment (it's used by spam detectors)
- Creation date — when the comment was added to the content
- Modification date — if the comment has been modificated previously, here you'll see the date of last modification
The last field (Status) defines if the Comment is published or not:
- Published — the comment is visible on the website by everybody
- Private — the comment is visible on the website but only for Navigate CMS users
- Hidden — the comment is hidden to anybody
- Spam — the comment has been detected as spam and it's not published on the website
- To revise — the comment must be read before it is published on the website (requires moderation)
If you want to remove a comment completely, click on the Delete button located at the Actions bar.
We suggest installing a spam detection extension to block undesired messages.