Web users
Navigate CMS differentiates between web accounts and application accounts. The first represent every person who completed a sign up process while the second kind of accounts are created manually by an administrator. The application accounts are the only allowed to access the web content management interface.
Web users need an account to receive newsletters, leave comments, gain access to restricted content, etc.
The Web users function uses two views: List and Tabbed form.
As with other lists in Navigate CMS:
- Click on a row to select/unselect it
- Double click or do a long press on a row to load the edit form
- Ctrl + Double click on a row to load the edit form on a new tab/window
- Move the scrollbar to get more items
- Find rows using the top right mini search form
Tabbed form
Web users edit form has five tabs: Main, Groups, Personal, Address and Social.
The Main tab defines the following fields:
- ID — numerical identifier of the web user account or (new) if it's an unsaved new account
- Avatar — public image associated with the user account
- User — nick or username needed to sign in
- Password — account password
- E-Mail — e-mail of that web user account; it is needed to send newsletters and to be able to reset a password
- Registration date — date and time of the account creation
- Newsletter — defines if the user wants to receive newsletters
- Blocked — disallows the user to sign in and do privileged tasks
In the Groups tab you can select in which groups the web user belongs. Just click on each group of the right list to add it to the left "Selected items" list. Click on any group on the left list to remove the user from that group.
You can define new groups clicking on the Groups button placed at the actions bar.
The fields of the second tab give more information about the person behind the account.
- Name — full name of the account owner
- Gender — male, female or unspecified (maybe an API account of some kind)
- Birth date
- Country
- Timezone
- Language
Address fields (optional) set the current and physical address where the account owner lives or works.
- Address — full address (street, number, floor...)
- Location — town or city of the user
- Zip code — postal code of the location given before
- Phone
The last user account tab is Social. In the example there is only one field: Website. In the future we plan to add more and more fields like Facebook, Twitter...