Web sites
Navigate CMS can manage several websites with only one installation, feature known as multisite. To configure any of these websites you need to access the Web sites function. As you'll see, it has a lot of tabs and settings, but you'll get used to it in no time.
Websites list
The first screen you'll find when entering the function is the websites list. The most common situation is to find just one row.
Notice the "house" icon on the left of the website Home page url; click on it to open the site in a new window/tab.
If you want to edit a website, double click on its row (or do a long click). In the Actions bar you'll find a button to create a new website. Either way, you'll end up finding the form view.
Website form
Modify the website title, add or remove the available languages, set up statistics, configure the options of the website theme... all these settings and actions are available in this form. Let's explain all settings tab by tab.
Here you define how the website is accessed, the main title and if it is published.
- Title — public website title; it will be displayed on the browser tab.
- Protocol — http or https. To use HTTPS you need to buy a SSL certificate.
- Subdomain — usually "www". Subdomain is the "left part" of a domain and its commonly used to define different uses for a domain name ( www.domain.com, blog.domain.com, cdn.domain.com, etc.)
- Domain — the domain name or IP address associated to this Navigate CMS website or installation.
- Folder — usually empty, is added to the right of a domain; for example "/blog".
- Home page — must be an existing path for a page created in Navigate CMS. When a visitor enters the subdomain/domain/folder combination and doesn't ask for a particular page, it defines where he must be redirected.
- Theme — tells which theme is used by the website. To change this setting you must access the Themes function.
- Status — defines the visibility of the website, three modes:
- Published — website is available to everyone.
- Private — only identified Navigate CMS users can load and navigate the website.
- Closed — no one, even an identified Navigate CMS user, can access the website.
A website can be easily available in many languages thanks to the multilanguage feature integrated in the Navigate CMS core. This tab contains an interactive table with a row for each language; to add a new row just click on the Add button located below the table.
- Name — name of the language.
- Code — 2 or 3 characters identifying the language. Navigate CMS will assign the most common values but you are free to modify them.
- Variant/Region — (optional) 2 or 3 characters identifying the region or language variant. For example "gb" (Great Britain) and "us" (United States) for English or "es" (Spain), "co" (Colombia) and "mx" (Mexico) for Spanish. Note you must add as many rows as language variants you need.
- Server locale — select the corresponding locale in the server where Navigate CMS is installed. If you can't find a specific variant, select the closest match. This setting is used to display dates in full text ("Sunday", "Domingo", "Diumenge"...).
- Published — enabled, the language is available on the website; disabled, the language won't appear on the website, only in Navigate CMS forms. We recommend keeping it disabled until a translation/language is ready to be published.
- Delete — remove the language from the website.
An alias is a URL that is not associated to any content. When a visitor writes that address Navigate CMS detects it and redirects the browser to the real path. With this feature you can create virtual paths that redirect to anywhere on your site, even on undefined subdomains. For example:
http://docs.navigatecms.com --> http://www.navigatecms.com/en/documentation
The first URL does not exist in the website, but it is an alias, so when it is accessed Navigate CMS redirects to the real, path.
This is the only function of this tab, define the aliases and its corresponding real paths.
Content tab settings:
- Date format — defines the default date format that will be used in the website (the theme may have its own way to display dates).
- Default timezone — defines the default timezone that will be applied to all dates and times (a webuser always can select its own timezone)
- Resize uploaded images — this will autoresize all images uploaded to Navigate CMS when this website is selected. If you enable this option we recommend keeping a backup of the original file.
- tinyMCE CSS — absolute URL of the stylesheet that will be used when editing content in Navigate CMS.
- Favicon — image or .ico file that will be used as the website icon that appears on the browser window/tab.
- Metatags — HTML metatags (or scripts) that will be appended to all website pages.
Most websites need to send e-mail to report contact requests, new newsletter subscriptors, etc. Navigate CMS needs a real e-mail account to send those messages and it must be set up with the fields of this tab.
- Server — server address used to send e-mail
- Port — available port on server to send e-mail, usually 25, 465 or 587
- TLS/SSL required — if the email server requires a secure sockets layer
- User — email account username, usually it's the same as the email address
- Address — email account address
- Password — email account password
- Contact e-mails — default receivers of mail sent by Navigate CMS, one e-mail address per line
Services tab allows including any HTML to every page of your website. The purpose of this feature is to ease the configuration of statistics software like Google Analytics, Piwik, etc.
Important note: the code you insert in Services WON'T be included in the website when a user is logged in Navigate CMS to avoid fake statistics hits.
The last tab of this form belongs to the Theme configuration. If a website does not use a theme or the installed theme does not have any configurable options, this tab will not appear.
Refer to the theme documentation to know how to edit the fields.
Beside the typical actions (like Save, Delete, open the Media browser, etc.) the Web sites function has one special action: Reset statistics.
Reset statistics will clear all information about visits and page hits. Of course this only applies to Navigate CMS internal statistics, not external services like Google Analytics, Piwik, etc.